Every year JavaScript gets a handful of new features and functions for everyone to play with.
The love tolerate.
You can take a look at the
I drew up my own notes on the 7 big changes below:
& trimEnd()
These notes are all based off Mike Sherov's egghead course on
Take a look at
Illustrated notes on Brett Cassette 's egghead course all about testing apps with Cypress.io . Want more illustrated notes on web development? Take a look at The JAMStack, Gatsby & Contentful , A…
GraphQL is undoubtedly one of the popular kids on the Web Development playground right now. If you haven't heard of GraphQL, the TLDR is that it's a new way to request data from an API. If you're…
Let's talk about immutable data With socks. And personal assistant bots. I know, you're already so excited. Immutability and state are two developer buzzwords it took me forever to "get." Their…
If you've had the pleasure of trying to stumble your way through learning React, you'll have been through the adjustment phase with JSX. Putting HTML and JS side-by-side feels like it's violating the…
The intantness of chat apps has always been a mystery to me. The technical details of moving emojis through The Internet Pipes and across continents in 0.004 miliseconds is well beyond my paygrade…
Between IoT botnet attacks, Bitcoin ransomware, and the weekly cadence of high-profile data breaches, doing anything on the internet feels like playing Russian Roulette. And that's just for normal…